
Here are some of my latest pieces on Deleuze. Many of the most recent ones are on a current project on a timed logic based on process philosophy and Deleuze’s metaphysics.
- The Transversal Thought of Gilles Deleuze Full PDF of my book of essays on Deleuze and Kant, Levinas, Bachelard, Whitehead, Lewis, Harman, Negri and Lyotard
- Deleuze’s Timed Logic (V)/ Semiology of Autopoiesis (III)
- Deleuze’s Timed Logic (IV)
- Deleuze’s Timed Logic (III)
- Deleuze’s Timed Logic (II)
- Matter and sense in Gilles Deleuze’s Logic of Sense: against the ‘ism’ in speculative realism [last draft] (PDF)
- Deleuze’s Timed Logic (I)
- Metaphysics: Deleuze│Spencer-Brown
- Pragmatism after Deleuze and Guattari (PDF)
- Deleuze’s Philosophy of Time: Time as Dimensions, Syntheses and Problems (PDF)
- Deleuze and the Time for Non-Reason
- Time and the posthuman: Braidotti and Moore on the posthuman and anthropocentrism after Deleuze (PDF)
- Distributed affects and the necessity of expression (PDF)
- Deleuze, Moore and anthropocentrism (PDF)
- Models, mathematics and Deleuze’s philosophy: remarks on Duffy’s Deleuze and the History of Mathematics (PDF)
- Response to Bowden on Hegel, Brandom and Deleuze on acts (PDF)
- Barthes, Deleuze and Peirce: Pragmatism in Pursuit of the Sign (PDF)
- Stories of desire (PDF)
- Truth and reality (PDF)
- Community beyond instrumental reason: the idea of donation in Deleuze and Lyotard (PDF)
- Time and education in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (PDF)
- A talk on Deleuze and McTaggart on time (YouTube)
- Deleuze and objects: an article for Cosmos and history
- AIA talk at Hay-on-Wye on Deleuze and Desire with Veronique Mottier and Simon Blackburn
- Paper on Deleuze and Whitehead and immanence (Word doc)
- Ageing, perpetual perishing and the event as pure novelty: Péguy, Whitehead and Deleuze on time and history (PDF)