Drawing on his philosophy of time, we can deduce Deleuze’s logic of events as processes. Taken fully, this logic is also the logic of his metaphysics, when it is considered as a system about the creation, encounter with, relations between, and changing of events. To develop this metaphysics, Deleuze doesn’t…
Continue ReadingCategory: Deleuze
Deleuze, Guattari and the Art of Multiplicity
If you are interested in studying the concept of multiplicity in Deleuze and Guattari, in particular in the context of art, I recommend this volume. I have a chapter in it (draft here) but the recommendation is for the many other important chapters where leaders in the field have done…
Continue ReadingDeleuze’s Timed Logic (I)
Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy can accommodate any number of logics in a subspace of its metaphysics. By accommodate, I mean that any given logic can be observed, operated and considered for consistency within that subspace. The fact that we can isolate part of Deleuze’s system and consider its logics does not…
Continue ReadingMetaphysics: Deleuze│Spencer-Brown
Some philosophers, struck with the recent discovery that no one set of metaphysical assumptions is necessary to communication, have fallen into the fallacy of thinking that we can communicate without any metaphysics at all… It is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of discoveries in 2000 years to…
Continue ReadingDeleuze and the Time for Non-Reason
Recent IAI discussion contribution on reason and unreason
Continue ReadingDeleuze’s Philosophy of Time: Time as Dimensions, Syntheses and Problems (Vilnius, Lithuanian Philosophical Association, May 2019)
Expanded text to my keynote talk on Deleuze and time given to the Lithuanian Philosophical Association, May 2019
Continue ReadingCinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy”
Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy” is now online at cjpmi.ifilnova.pt. I was guest editor, working with Susana Viegas, for this issue. Thanks to a terrific line up of papers and Susana’s outstanding knowledge of the field, the issue tackles the relation…
Continue ReadingDeleuze and the new (revisited)
Deleuze and the new (revisited) One of the most important places Deleuze discusses the new is in the section on the third synthesis of time in Difference and Repetition. His study has been considered by, among many others, Daniel W. Smith, and Simon O’Sullivan and Stephen Zepke in their collection…
Continue ReadingDeleuze and the Sublime
Deleuze and the sublime January 29, 2019 PHI research group, Deakin University Deakin Downtown. Level 12 Tower 2 – 727 Collins Street Melbourne 3008 Australia Details 11am. James Williams (Deakin). The end of all universal values: an anarchist takedown of the sublime 12pm. Lunch 1pm. Tim Deane-Freeman (Deakin). A murmuring place: the…
Continue ReadingPosthuman Ecologies: Complexity and Process after Deleuze
My article in this innovative volume edited by Rosi Braidotti and Simone Bignall is on time and the posthuman (there’s an earlier draft in the Deleuze section of this site). There are many great articles in the collection, on pressing contemporary issues, including environment and ecology, political action after Deleuze,…
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