Having made the case for the connection between the sublime, fascism and imperialism in Arnold Fanck’s film SOS Eisberg, Lill-Ann Körber reverses perspectives and considers ‘sublime icebergs today’ in the Greenlandic film Nuummioq. These icebergs do not fit the conventional sublime of overawing size and power, sought out by the…
Continue ReadingAuthor: James Williams
Manifest Destiny and the Sublime – Part 1: Manifest Destiny Returns
Following Donald Trump’s bluster about buying Greenland, the idea of manifest destiny had another resurrection: ‘There we get a sense of motion, as in…Manifest Destiny. Admittedly, Manifest Destiny is not a PC phrase. Yet trendy pieties aside, it’s hard to argue with the long-term logic of national expansion as key…
Continue ReadingMessi is not sublime (nor is Ronaldo)
My book on the egalitarian sublime has almost no sport in it. I avoid it for political and philosophical reasons. Politically, as entertainment, sports are the bread and circuses of our age, culminating in the sportswashing beloved of kleptocrats, monopolies and repressive governments. The problem with sport runs deeper than…
Continue ReadingDeleuze and the Time for Non-Reason
Recent IAI discussion contribution on reason and unreason
Continue ReadingDeleuze’s Philosophy of Time: Time as Dimensions, Syntheses and Problems (Vilnius, Lithuanian Philosophical Association, May 2019)
Expanded text to my keynote talk on Deleuze and time given to the Lithuanian Philosophical Association, May 2019
Continue ReadingTruth as the fullest: on journalism in the age of fake news
This paper on truth and process philosophy follows from my talk at The Politics of (Post) Truth conference at Cumberland Lodge in October 2018 https://www.jamesrwilliams.net/the-politics-of-post-truth/ It is also a reflection on truth and the process philosophy of signs. Truth as the fullest: on journalism in the age of fake news
Continue ReadingIs There (Still) a Continental – Analytic Divide in Philosophy?
My answer (pp 148-9) and many others to this question in Gavagai philosophy journal
Continue ReadingCinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy”
Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 10 on “Painting, Moving Images and Philosophy” is now online at cjpmi.ifilnova.pt. I was guest editor, working with Susana Viegas, for this issue. Thanks to a terrific line up of papers and Susana’s outstanding knowledge of the field, the issue tackles the relation…
Continue ReadingDeleuze and the new (revisited)
Deleuze and the new (revisited) One of the most important places Deleuze discusses the new is in the section on the third synthesis of time in Difference and Repetition. His study has been considered by, among many others, Daniel W. Smith, and Simon O’Sullivan and Stephen Zepke in their collection…
Continue ReadingCull the One Percent
Cull the one percent (a suggested process against inequality) ‘Under the Company’s beneficent influence, our customs are now steeped in chance.’ With the recent report from Oxfam confirming the obscene and growing inequalities of our current societies, I wonder whether it is time to institute a solution inspired by Borges’s…
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