Claire Colebrook on Time and Autopoiesis: Semiology of Autopoiesis (IV)

The three concepts of autopoiesis, equilibrium and homeostasis function in all these domains: neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, social theory and future studies. These concepts all presuppose a certain understanding of time, and suggest – as I state in the title to this essay – that the organism has…

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Autopoiesis and Time: Deleuze’s Timed Logic (V)/Semiology of Autopoiesis (III)

We can think of autopoiesis as resistance to the imposition of external time. The autonomy of an autopoietic process implies independence from transformational pressures by times outside the process. Autopoiesis should block external time from supplanting the internal time of the process. It could be objected that everything is resistant…

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Semiology of Autopoiesis (I)

What is the difference between conceptual analysis and semiology? An idea like autopoiesis can be analysed as a concept. We can study its description of self-making and autonomous organisations and life-forms for consistency, contradictions, meaning, references, through its cases and examples, its history, its implications and assumptions, and its values.…

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Matter and Sense in Gilles Deleuze’s Logic of Sense: Against the ‘Ism’ in Speculative Realism

New article just published in Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15.4 (2021): 477–496DOI: 10.3366/dlgs.2021.0454 The article is part of Simon Schleusener’s edited volume Deleuze and the Material Turn. Simon’s collection is an important step in understanding Deleuze’s complex relation to new materialisms. It is a pleasure to have been able to…

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